fredag 29. november 2013


This is not really a long, philosophical post. I’m just writing this to inform my readers of a very pleasant surprise i got today. See, i was a few weeks late in pre-ordering the PS4, and thusly not on the fast track to getting one today, when it launched in Norway. Not only wasn’t i gonna get it today, i was nr3 in line (aka so insanely f#cking close). However, at the end of last period on school, i got the most pleasant call. The guy asked me «on a scale of 1 to 100, how much do you want a PS4?». I replied «110». He then told me there’d been some cancelations, and i could come in and get it today. And so now i’m typing this. Why do i have time to write this? Because i still lack about $60, and another $97 to buy BF4 (in Norway, games cost roughly $100, depending on the exchange rate). My dad owes me some money, and was one the way home. I called him, saying i need it as fast as possible, and why i needed it. He said he’d be home around 2.30, yet still no sign of hime. That shiii….shiny rainbow of a sunshine had stopped for a haircut. Da fuq? da fuq? now, however, he’ll hopefully be here damn soon, give med the money and i’ll be on my way to get a PS4. I’m so fucking psyched i’m trembling. I can barely even write this because i keep having to go back to correct major misspellings. Thusly i’ll cut it here, and be back online with an update when i have the console

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