torsdag 2. april 2015

My indie game is in the public beta-stage

Hey guys. I realize I haven't posted in quite some time, and I'm sorry about that. For the latter quarter of 2014 and the first of 2015, all my free-time was spent working on my final exam thesis. After handing it in I didn't exactly feel like writing anything for some time, not to mention the fact that I was then working hard to get caught up with the school-work I had missed out on doing because I was working on the thesis. Now however, I've finally got some free time. I got the results back and I'm happy to say the professor who graded my paper (shameless bragging coming up in 3...2...1...) was overly impressed, so much in fact I got the top grade. I'm extremely pleased by this (obviously) but what pleases me more is that he said the main attraction was the practical part of my thesis, I.E. the video game I've been working on for just over a year now. After I'd handed in my thesis I was no longer forced to do everything on my own. The project was all mine, and I brought in help from a good friend of mine who is quite good at programming. This really helped speed things up, and it brought my passion back for developing the game.

The public beta v.2 is currently available as free download for both Mac and Windows PC. In this version, stage 1-5 are perfectly playable, and I've gotten some great feedback from friends, family and random people at my school who got to try it out. Stage 6 is playable, but there is no way to finish that level in PB v.2. Public Beta v.3 is almost finished though. Stage 6 is playable there, and a few new features are being polished. Overall, I wan't to add a little bit more before uploading the update. Anyways, here are the links to download the game. It's safe and it's free, how could you complain?



PS: If part of the main-menu buttons are off-screen, quit the game and choose a different aspect ratio on the settings-screen that is displayed when booting up the game. This is a problem I've been working to solve but it still might impact some screen sizes. I will post the links do download all future versions of my game right here on this blog. I hope to post some dev-posts here as well, so if you like the game, please keep checking back. That's it, and keep chasing the game.