First of all, let me say I'm sorry my Bioshock Infinite review is taking so long, It's a big game with lots of content; now:
"Watt-up noobs? stop being a bunch of team killing p#ssies and back this project now" what I'd say if I was Aaron, the lead character in this amazing and hilarious webseries. I've been laughing my a$$ off watching this series since it first started out, and now, more than 80 episodes later I can tell you it's been one hell of a ride. I'm pretty skint right now, but i dug up what I could to back this project and help them reach their funding goal on Kickstarter. Upon reaching their goal, witch I sincerely hope and believe they will, the Reckless Tortuga team will begin production on a new season of Online Gamer. They promise it'll be bigger, longer and better, and given how amazing their last 80 episodes was, (excluding of course their one, tiny little unfortunate event, yes I'm looking at you "online gamer: zombies") I truly believe them. I so far have a little over 1100 klicks on my blog, and if all of you guys gave just 1.45$ they'll have reached they're 25.000$ goal. Now other people keep pouring in the cash theese guys so badly need to make another season of my favorite webseries, and the cash they truly deserves for their amazing work so far, but the more the merrier. Or, in this case, the more people who give, the more, longer and better episodes we'll see of Online Gamer. Now if you haven't seen the show yet, I highly reccomend you stop what you're doing right now, that's right, I'm actually telling you to take a break from reading my blog, and hit up the links below to check out the first, original episode.
Once you've done that, please help out the amazing Reckless Tortuga team, and make this new season happen by backing them on kickstarter.
The first Online Gamer episode.
All the episodes can be watched either on Youtube, or their website.
I'm not in any way endorsed by or affiliated with Reckless Tortuga, Kickstarter or any other external parties. I'm doing this to show my appreciation for a webseries I've loved for years
tirsdag 18. mars 2014
søndag 9. mars 2014
Bioshock: Infinite (2013) review teaser
What originally took our hearts, with a successful capture,
was the underwater city, with the haunting name Rapture,
beautiful and scary, it was presented for thee,
a story so capturing, there's no way you could flee!
How could they raise the bar, so very very far?
they wanted to raise it, so literally,
up in heaven we where elevated, strokes of genius beyond tally
Keep tuning in for my upcoming review of Bioshock: Infinite, posted right here on
was the underwater city, with the haunting name Rapture,
beautiful and scary, it was presented for thee,
a story so capturing, there's no way you could flee!
How could they raise the bar, so very very far?
they wanted to raise it, so literally,
up in heaven we where elevated, strokes of genius beyond tally
Keep tuning in for my upcoming review of Bioshock: Infinite, posted right here on
tirsdag 4. mars 2014
Playstation 4 vs. Xbox One
Playsation 4 Xbox One
Sony Microsoft
Nov. 15. 2013 Nov 22. 2013
The eight console generation is upon us, and the as it’s been in any industry for as long as we can remember, the competition is fierce. The rivalries between the different tech giants has always been some of the most talked about and discussed competitions. Within the smartphone market it becomes most natural to mention Apple vs. Samsung; When it comes to home computers we once again see Apple, but this time around we typically going at it toe to toe with Microsoft’s Windows. But the same way we see Apple involved in rivalries in multiple markets, we also see Microsoft going at it in two very different genre’s. As I’m sure you know, Microsoft is one of the leading two within the console market, and they are alongside Sony at the very forefront for one of the most harshly debated «wars» within the tech industry. I’m of course talking about Sony’s Playstation vs. Microsoft’s Xbox in the world famous «Console war». It’s amazing how the debate over witch console is the better one has been going on. Even towards the very end of the 7th console generation the debate was going strong. Fanboys of both the PS3 and the Xbox 360 where going at each other like maniacs over who had the better system, comparing everything to game selection, graphical power, OS, controller, social features and all the way up till how the company treated their customers. And it’s based on exactly those criterias I will here today compare the two consoles released to us in November, 2013, and tell you once and for all, the console I deem to be the better purchase.
Much has been made of the pure hardware power of the two consoles, and this has a lot to do with the fact that when we look at the pure specs, the PS4 is undeniably more powerful. This has been reinforced by developers unanimously stating the PS4’s clear superiority when it boils down to just the pure hardware specs. The Playstation 4 is roughly 50% more powerful than the Xbox One, but as we know, both consoles pacs a significant amount of graphical and processing strength. It was prior to release assumed that the pure spec differences wouldn’t impact the generation all that much. In the 7th generation, the PS3 was also more powerfull than the 360 in pure specs, but multi platform games often ran a little smoother on the 360 because the PS3 required a lot of porting, as it was a much more complex and difficult system to develop games for. When the new generation was announced, Sony made sure to put a lot of emphasis on how easy the PS4 was to develop for, but people wheren’t all that convinced the pure specs where going to matter all that much in the end, and at the very least; they wouldn’t matter for multi platform games. Now however, a little more than 3 months after the release of the consoles, it’s quite clear the specs does matter. It’s almost become a trend for games to run native 1080p on the PS4, and upscaled versions of either 720p or 960p, on the Xbox One. Worth mentioning is also that the Xbox One has had problems with framerate, and in a few instances, the XB1 framerate has been set at 30, where the PS4 has ran at 60fps. I can most notably pull out the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition as an example here. A game that suffered severe framerate issues on the XB1 version, where as the PS4 had none. How the generation will move forward, there’s no telling though. Microsoft has announced they’re working on a patch to improve both GPU and CPU performance on the XB1; we know it takes a while for developers to get used to the new systems and maybe the XB1 is just a little bit harder to code for, meaning it’ll take the devs a while to find the best ways of optimizing they’re games for the system. It’s also recently been announced that «Wolfenstein: The New Order», and upcoming and anticipated game, will run native 1080p, 60fps on the Xbox One, so there is definitely hope on the horizon for Microsofts latest. But the way it is now, there’s no denying cold, hard facts, and the PS4 snags this point.
PS4: 1
XB1: 0
Having a powerhouse of a console, as both flagships of the new generations are, means nothing though, without the games. Both consoles launched with a relatively weak selection compared to for example the Playstation 2, but here I will include the game selection we’ve seen over the past 3 months after launch, as well as what has been announced to be released in the near future. At launch, there where very few true next-gen games. Most where just ports of games that where released around the same time on last-gen consoles. These ports included some graphical updates of course and some included additional features. Quite notably Battlefield 4 allowed players on next-gen hardware to play on the full-scale multiplayer maps in the Conquest game mode, that had been PC exclusive up until the PS4/Xbox One release, quite simply because the last-gen hardware didn’t have the power to run them. The exact same goes for 64 player matches online. Other major games to be released both for next- and previous-gen hardware includes Call of Duty: Ghost, Need For Speed Rivals and Assassin’s Creed: IV, Although neither of these had the rather major upgrades Battlefield 4 provided to next-gen players. In general, the actual selection of 8th generation games was low. The Playstation 4 had a bigger library at launch, beating the Xbox One’s line up of 22 games total, by packing 26 games total at launch, although today, the market has evened out, and today the number of games are relatively equal on both consoles. There’s no denying that the PS4 games have a slightly higher average score by reviewers. I for one was very excited, and I was heavily anticipating Ryse: Son of Rome, as well as Dead Rising 3, and they where both widely considered two of the Xbox One’s main launch hopes. I was therefore greatly let down when they both where launched to mediocre reviews (Dead Rising did score higher than Ryse, witch was criticized for being not much more than another linear hack-em/slash-em button masher).
The PS4 struggled with having fewer next-gen exclusive games. Although the total number of games where higher, the Xbox One simply had more of it’s games being exclusive to the console. Yet somehow it doesn’t feel like that has mattered too much, due to the sheer quality of the lineup. Both consoles packed some impressive games, and I’d like to point out that one of the biggest sellers, Call of Duty, once again had an exclusive deal with Activision, giving Xbox players an advantage in terms of early DLC access. That having been mentioned, the PS4 packed the praised Killzone: Shadow Fall as their flagship launch title, where as the xbox flagged with Ryse and Dead Rising 3, both games considered mediocre by most reviewers. The PS4 also packed the very highly praised RESOGUN, witch has by many been called the best PS4 game to date. (You can read my review of Resogun at When it comes to the multiplatform line-up, It’s fair the say the PS4 took it home because of the now infamous 720p upscaled resolution on Xbox One, and the native 1080p on PS4. Many xbox games also ran at reduced framerate, where as the Playstation 4 for the most part held at a steady 60fps, although with a few drops here and there.
As far as the future goes, the Playstation 4 is flagging with a follow-up to the dearly beloved inFamous franchise, and the new, exciting concept Driveclub. The Xbox One’s main hope is Titanfall. However, Titanfall is not a system exclusive. It will launch on both PC and Xbox 360. Although it will no doubt be an absolutely amazing game, and the 360 version won’t compare to the Xbox One version, it’s still not an exclusive, and the PC version will definitely be looking just as good as on the XB1. Although there is a new Halo game on the horizon, it’s not enough to even out the odds against the Playstation, because PS4 is in for a brand new Uncharted game. Both of the two are far out, and we know nothing about them, so they can’t really be taken into consideration, but we can say that they cancel each other out, pretty much.
So, once again the Playsation 4 takes the point, for having most multiplatform games so far being visually superior on it’s system, and for having a more exiting line-up of exclusive games
PS4: 2
XB1: 0
Both systems offer a good selection of general home entertainment. Regardless of console, you have access to Netflix, Hulu and similair services. However the Xbox One takes it one step further in this category. With offerings of TV streamed directly to your gaming system, and especially sports, the console is definitely appealing to people who want a more all-in-one experience with their home entertainment. Once this was announced, Sony was quick to pull the trigger, and announce that they have been in dialogue with several of the biggest TV channels and that a similar arrangement is on it’s way, however in this category, Xbox One was first out, and they have built their system much more around the TV and gaming all-in-one experience. The system also packs a heavily integrated voice command system thru help of the Kinect, allowing you to easily switch channels, and swap back and forth between games and TV. Although both systems will likely even out in this category over the years, we don’t when, or if Sony ever will get their TV streaming in place, and seeing as the Xbox One has been very forward about this right from the very get-go, as well as their well-integrated voice command system, witch provides convenience and ease of use, there’s no doubt that the Xbox One provides the GHE experience. Microsoft snags this point!
PS4: 2
XB1: 1
With this new generation both systems spent a lot of time and money developing their new controllers, and they both turned out as improvements over the last generation, but both cases where not quite as successful. Sony’s Dualshock is the longest running general controller design. They kept it for 3 generations, making only very minor changes. It was a very good controller in many ways, but general complaints where it’s size. The heavy majority of people including myself, found it way too small. It was no surprise that when they announced the PS4, they had all intentions of making some major changes here, and so they did. The Dualshock 4 is significantly larger than the Dualshock 3, and far, far more ergonomic. It just feels infinitely much better in your hand. They also finally fixed the issues with the triggers on the back, and replaced the slippery and inexplicably inwards bent triggers, with longer, more narrow triggers with a nice little bend outwards to make them much more user friendly and more comfortable. They also have a much tighter feel, as does all the buttons on the controller. The Joysticks are what really shines though. They are incredibly precise, with a indistinctable deadzone, and with a texture that actually provides good grip, unlike the slippery texture on the Dualshock 3. The Dualshock 4 also added a much needed microphone plugin, witch was a very desired feature.
The Xbox One controller finally removed the extremely annoying battery pack on the controller, making it much more comfortable to hold, because your fingers no longer cramp up, squeezed between the battery pack and the controllers handles. They also much improved upon the D-pad, witch was by far the most disastrous about the 360 controller. However that’s almost where the improvements end, and the disadvantages being. First of, although the did improve upon the d-pad, they didn’t fix it 100%. It’s still one solid piece, where as the Dualshock has always packed the D-pad as 4 individual buttons, separated by plastic surface. Overall, this provides less control of witch button you press, and it’s easier to slip between the different buttons. They also made the inexplicable decision to have the top textured, where as the controllers bottom is completely smooth. This means sweaty, uncomfortable grip, even after just 10-15 minutes of use. As if this wasn’t enough, the joysticks, promised to have zero deadzone, actually packs a deadzone bigger than the one on the 360 controller, and they feel clunky to use.
The dualshock 4 has a texture underside, making for much more comfortable grip, and much less accumulation of sweat. It also packs far tighter joysticks, with no noticeable deadzone, and buttons that are far easier to press, and give much tighter control. Your hands are also much less likely to slip of the buttons, seeing as their round and flat, rather than the spherical shape Microsoft wen’t with. Both systems packs a good controller, but there’s really no competition here, witch is surprising, considering Microsoft was the clear winner of the controller competition in the previous generation, with their 360 controller decimating the Dualshock 3. Playstation 4 snags this point for having the Dualshock 4 being the best controller ever made.
PS4: 3
XB1: 1
Although the PS4 is in the lead here, you can’t really go wrong with either system. You can go right or you can go «more» right. This next generation is shaping up the be a new golden age for video games. Visuals and size will go way beyond anything we’ve seen before, and the new generation of consoles will bring games higher than we’ve ever seen before. And as virtual reality is upon us, we will se realism like we never imagined it before. The Xbox One provides excellent opportunities for home entertainment, and powerful console to play great games like Halo and Titanfall on. The PS4 however provides the most horsepower of the two, and has therefore so far provided us with the most visually stimulating games, as well holding the lead for best exclusives. With the amazing controller sweetening the deal, as well as having fantastic sharing options, allowing you to livestream and upload game footage instantly and very conveniently, there isn’t much doubt here.
The final score puts the Xbox One with 1 single point, for providing excellent home entertainment options, where as the Playstation 4 takes it home with 3 points, for featuring the most graphical power, the most ergonomic and comfortable controller, as well as having the game library I and other reviewers believe to be the most fun and enjoyable to explore. However here you must keep into consideration that the Xbox One is far from being a bad console. It’s excellent! it’s just that the PS4 takes it yet another level higher, leaving no doubt in my mind. The Playstation 4 is the Chase Game Reviews console of choice.
mandag 3. mars 2014
The Oscars
Just roughly 5 hours ago I was sitting like a zombie in my living room, tired out of my mind, been up all night until 6 in the morning on a school day. Why you ask? Well to view the Oscars live of course. Seeing as I live in Norway, everything that's going on in the states, such as the Oscars, naturally happen at night in our time meaning I'm looking at some long nights when viewing the election and such as a couple of hours ago, The Academy Awards.
Starting of I think Mathew McConaughey was amazing in Dallas Buyers Club, but I'd say this year Dicaprio was just a little more deserving of the "best male actor in a leading role" award. He's been nailing countless movie roles for decades; he's shown himself as one of the most versatile actors on the planet earth and in 2013 he did one of his absolutely finest roles ever. The way he brought Jordan Belfort to life seems to me very worthy of an Oscar, and then add the fact that the statue has already slipped away far too many times. C'mon, at least give him an honorary one.
As far as the award ceremony in the general, there where very few surprises. If anyone thought that the other nominees in the "best special effects" category where there for any other reason than decoration then I guess they feel rightly dumb by now, don't they because as pretty much everybody knew, and I'm not talking "felt", "had a hunch", "most likely"; no I'm talking as everybody knew, Gravity took home the award. A little more of a surprise, or not so much a surprise as it was just less clear in advance; Gravity ended up taking home the awards for best sound mixing, best sound design, best editing, best original script and best director. That is quite a mouthful and I can say straight up the movie deserves all of that.
That being said I was getting a bit nervous, because with Gravity most definitely having taken up the Academy's attention I was worried they'd overlook one I deemed more fit for the overall grandslam price. This year we where looking at several amazing contestants for "best picture" but I'm very pleased to say that my winning favorite took it home; 12 Years A Slave won the award for "Best motion picture", and with that I am very pleased.
Beyond that we can say to no ones surprise that Frozen took home the award for both best animated feature film as well as the one for best original song. Admittedly I haven't watched all the nominees in Foreign films, documentaries and shorts so I won't discuss those awards here. I would like to end of though, with saying that Ellen DeGeneres was an absolutely AMAZING host. She really, truly was!
Starting of I think Mathew McConaughey was amazing in Dallas Buyers Club, but I'd say this year Dicaprio was just a little more deserving of the "best male actor in a leading role" award. He's been nailing countless movie roles for decades; he's shown himself as one of the most versatile actors on the planet earth and in 2013 he did one of his absolutely finest roles ever. The way he brought Jordan Belfort to life seems to me very worthy of an Oscar, and then add the fact that the statue has already slipped away far too many times. C'mon, at least give him an honorary one.
As far as the award ceremony in the general, there where very few surprises. If anyone thought that the other nominees in the "best special effects" category where there for any other reason than decoration then I guess they feel rightly dumb by now, don't they because as pretty much everybody knew, and I'm not talking "felt", "had a hunch", "most likely"; no I'm talking as everybody knew, Gravity took home the award. A little more of a surprise, or not so much a surprise as it was just less clear in advance; Gravity ended up taking home the awards for best sound mixing, best sound design, best editing, best original script and best director. That is quite a mouthful and I can say straight up the movie deserves all of that.
That being said I was getting a bit nervous, because with Gravity most definitely having taken up the Academy's attention I was worried they'd overlook one I deemed more fit for the overall grandslam price. This year we where looking at several amazing contestants for "best picture" but I'm very pleased to say that my winning favorite took it home; 12 Years A Slave won the award for "Best motion picture", and with that I am very pleased.
Beyond that we can say to no ones surprise that Frozen took home the award for both best animated feature film as well as the one for best original song. Admittedly I haven't watched all the nominees in Foreign films, documentaries and shorts so I won't discuss those awards here. I would like to end of though, with saying that Ellen DeGeneres was an absolutely AMAZING host. She really, truly was!
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